Bestwick Real Estate started in August 2015 in the dining room of Mitchell and Sheridan’s first home in Windradyne. Director and Licensee-in-Charge, Mitchell had been in the real estate industry for 10 years when he took the plunge to go out on his own under the One Agency brand. Mitchell’s business partner and wife, Sheridan, came into the business full-time a year later in 2016, bringing with her 20 years of financial planning experience.
Mitchell and Sheridan traded under the One Agency brand for 7 years, moving from their dining room in Windradyne, to a self-contained flat in West Bathurst and then to their first office premises at 7/90 Keppel Street, Bathurst. They started with a sales only business, before opening their rental roll and growing it organically in Bathurst to over 200 managements as of 2022.
In 2021, they purchased Kennedy Real Estate Agents in Blayney and are successfully retaining and growing the rent roll of over 100 managements across Blayney and the surrounding villages whilst also offering full scale sales and auction services.
In 2023 the business rebranded to their own independent brand - Bestwick Real Estate across both the Bathurst and Blayney offices.
From humble beginnings, they now employ 10 staff across Bathurst and Blayney, have over 500 sales to their name and maintain over 300 managements across both businesses.
Bestwick Real Estate are the proud sponsors of Bathurst Bushrangers Netball Club, Bathurst Beavers Volleyball Club, Bathurst Golf Club, Blayney Golf Club & Blayney Show.